I have lived in the U.S. for about 8 years. The first plan was to stay there for only 3 months but time goes so fast!! Now, I have decided to go back to Japan but before going back, I'm taking a long vacation in BRAZIL!! アメリカに住み8年が経ちました。始めは3ヶ月の予定でしたが、月日が経つのは早いものです!今回、日本への帰国を決め、その前にブラジルでのロングバケーションを楽しんでいます!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm leaving for Brazil!!

Finally, I'm flying to Brazil tonight!!

Right now I'm in Washington DC.
The first reason for me to come to the US was to do a volunteer work in Washington DC, it was about 8 years ago!
The friend whom I'm visiting in Recife, Brazil, is also one of friends who I worked with in DC.
It was my first time to live in the US and I spend the first one year with her.
Now, after 8 years of living in American, this Brazil trip is somehow the closure of my life in aboard!!
I'm glad to have the chance to spend some time with my first and best friend in the US before going back to Japan!

I will stay in Brazil for about 3 months!

Before going to Recife, which is the northeast of Brazil,
I will stop in Sao Paulo for 5 days!!

I will report my trip from Brazil!!

Talk to you soon!!

やっとその日がやってきました!! 今夜の飛行機で、ブラジルに行きます!

今は、ワシントンDC。 8年前?に私がアメリカに来ることになった元々の理由は、ここでのボランティアのお仕事のためだった。



