I have lived in the U.S. for about 8 years. The first plan was to stay there for only 3 months but time goes so fast!! Now, I have decided to go back to Japan but before going back, I'm taking a long vacation in BRAZIL!! アメリカに住み8年が経ちました。始めは3ヶ月の予定でしたが、月日が経つのは早いものです!今回、日本への帰国を決め、その前にブラジルでのロングバケーションを楽しんでいます!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I'm leaving for Recife, tonight!

5 days in Sao Paulo passed so fast. It has been clowded since I arrived in Sao Paulo but finally I saw the blue sky this afternoon.

On the third day, I went to the modern museum where my freind works. The museun is located in the park called "Parque do Ibirapuera" and the building for "Bienal De Sao Paulo" is right next to the museum. I didn't know till my friend told me but "Bienal De Sao Paulo" is exhibited every two years and right now it's 27th show is exhibited!! I was so lucky to come to Sao Paulo when it's open!!
In the moern museum, I saw a lot of Brazilian artists' work and I was so inspired!! Also, my favorite artist, Louise Bourgeois's work is exhibtied in the modern museum as well. I enjoyed visiting the museum very much!!

On the forth day, I met a friend whom I met in Japanese community site. I went to the area called, Liberdade. It is also known as the Japanese town. My friend suggested to take a bus, so I had the first experience of takiing bus in Brazil!! The bus fee is $R2.00 (about 90 cents?). There is a revolving bar int he middle of the bus and a bus crew is sitting sideway by the bar. I again brought a note with the name of the stop I want to get off and showed it to the crew guy. I also checked where I was with a map and when the bus came to close to my stop, I looked at the guy and he gave me the "V" sign to let me know there were two more stops!! Obrigada!!!
It was rush hour so I was late for about 15 minute. But Mr. A was waiting for me at the station and he gave me a tour in Liberdade. He also took me to Catedral Metropolitana and buy me a lunch, too!! Obrigada, Mr. A!!!

On the Fifth day, today, Julie took me to the bakery near by to have a breakfast together. She had to go to work so I went to free-market on my own. It was a beautiful day with the blue sky!! I bought 3 necklesses made with seed and 2 pants!!
I could ask "how much is it?" in Portuguese but I had no idea the answer they gave me...But they are very friendly and kind. Poeple try to communicate without reluctance!! Muito Obrigada!!!!
So, I could get something to eat at the free-market today and came back to Julie's apartment safely!!

I will start packing and heading to the airport. Tonight, I will fly to Recife!!


3日目は、友達の働くMuseu De Arte Domerna (近代美術館)へ。その美術館は、Parque do Ibirapuera (イビラプエラ公園) の中にあり、第27回Bienal De Sao Paulo (ビエナール展)の開かれている会場のすぐ横になった。運のいい事に、2年に一度開かれるビエナール展を見ることもでき、そのタイミングの良さだけでもとっても気分が良くなってしまった。。(笑)

4日目は、mixiで知り合った方とあう約束で、Liberdade (リベルダーヂ,東洋人街)にある地下鉄の駅で待ち合わせ。私の泊まっている所のそばには地下鉄が通っていないので、バスで出向く事に。
相変わらず言葉は全く通じないので、あらかじめ書いておいた駅名を見せて、”降りる時に教えてね!”とジェスチャーで。。。もちろん私は地図を見ながら自分の位置を確認しつつ、ちらちらと乗務員のおじさんの様子もうかがいながら。。もうすぐ降りる駅が近づいてきたなっとおもって、おじさんに向かって、指で、1.2それとも3? と聞いてみると、おじさんはにっこりと2を出してくれた。無事に降りたい駅で降りる事が出来、サンパウロ、バス初体験もまた、Bom Diaと、Obrigada!で乗り越えた!
あまりの渋滞で待ち合わせには15分ほど遅れてしまったけれど、帰らずに待っていてくださったAさん。Liberdade (リベルダーヂ,東洋人街) やCatedral Metropolitana (セ大聖堂-カテドラル・メトロポリターナ)などに連れて行っていただいて、おまけにカツ丼までごちそうになっちゃいました!

