I have arrived in Recife, Brazil!!
I have arrived to Recife the night before yesterday!! (Recife is pronounced like "Hecife" since Portuguese "R" is pronounced as "H" ) I had a bit hard time at the Airport in Sao Paulo, but there was a gentlemen who looked after me. Of course, he was speaking in Portuguese so I had no idea what he was saying but if I looked him when I got nervous or worried, he held his thum up and gave me a OK sign! It was about 3 hours flight and when I sat in my seat, the guy next to me immediately asked me "Japonesa?" haha. He said he can speak English a little bit, so we talked about his trip to Chile and he gave me a Chice chocolate!!
My friend's apartment where I'm staying is located right in front of the beach. I arrived in the night, so I could only hear the sound of waves. When I woke up, I could see beautiful ocean from my window!! It's facing East and I wake up everyday with sunrise, which is about 5am...most of the time, I go back to bed but I got a chance to take a picture!!!
Since I'm staying here about 3 months, I'm taking it very slow.
Yesterday, my freind took me to her host family's house and met a wonderful family! My friend has been in Brazil for about a year by now, and she seems to be holding the conversation very well !! While we were talking ( I was just listening...) the father went to buy a coconut for me and gave me a fresh coco juice! After I finished it, he opened the coconut and shaved off the meat of coconut and made a coconut cake for us!!! It was soooo good!!
Coconut cake Recipe:
1 meat of coconut
1 condensed milk
2 eggs
Mix all together in a blender and cook in a oven for about 30 minute??
I will try to learn Portuguese while I'm in Brazil, and by the end of this trip, hopefully I can speak a little bit. Since the Portuguese pronounciation is similar to Japaenese compare to English, it sounds a little easier, but then there are so many changes for verbs and nouns that English doesn't have, so I'm sure I will have a hard time. Well, let's see how it goes!!!



Pic. 1:The beach on Sunday from Masami's window / 日曜日のビーチの様子
Pic.2:The sunrise from the horizon / 水平線から上る日の出!
Pic.3:The father, shaving coconut / パパさんがココナッツの果肉を削っている姿。
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