Walking around in Recife!
I went to the area called Boa Vista by bus today My friend, Masami, had a meeting in the afternoon, so we went there together and had lunch together. While she was having a meeting, I walked around the area by myself.
First I saw a old church and thought it would be a good mark when I lost...BUT there are very similar looking churches everywhere as you can see from my pictures.
Since my friend is going to do some exercise in the morning, I thought I would buy a pair of sneakers and go with her. So I looked for a shoe shop!! Instead of finding good sneakers, I found a pair of Converse with Brazilian flag degisn. It is about R$80. When I was checking the price, I noticed that there is always the price for the installment written on a tag in Brazil.
The back of this shopping arcade, there is a big storehouse looking building. In the building, there are a lot of folkcraft shops and booths for fishes or meats as well. Everyone is very friendly and trying to explain about their goods...I wish I can understand what they were saying....I should start studying Portuguese more seriously!!!
今日は、ヘシフェのBoa Vista (ボア ビスタ) という街へ、バスで行ってきました!今日はマサミがお仕事でその辺りに行くという事で、一緒についてゆき、お仕事前に二人でランチを一緒にし、しばらくその辺を案内してくれて、その後はまた、一人でぶらぶら。
まず、ボア ビスタについて古い教会を発見。これはいい目印になる!なんておもっていたのだけれど、似たような教会が実はいたる所に建っていて、全く目印にはならなかった。なんというか、東京で言う所の秋葉原と言った感じで、電気屋さんや、服屋さんが立ち並ぶかなりでかい商店街で、かなり込み入っているのでちょっと油断をすると方向感覚を失ってしまう。


Pic.1.2:The churches in Boa Vista. They looks very similar, aren't they?? ボア ビスタのいたる所にたっている教会のうちの2つ。ただ反転させただけのように似ている教会がゴロゴロとたっている。。。
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