2 weeks has passed in Brazil!
It's been two weeks since I have arrived in Brazil. I'm relaxing and having fun! My shoulder still hurt from the sun burn I got when I went to the beach, but it's getting bette.
I didn't notice in Sao Paulo but a lot of "unbelievable" things happened in Recife!! haha
My friend and I often say, "well, it's Brazil...hahaha"
For example, at the bus stop, we have to wave when the right bus comes otherwise, the bus wouldn't stop... and if another bus is already stopping at the bus stop, it seems that the second would speed up and ignore the people who is waving and trying to stop the bus!!!
Also, yesterday, when we were drinking pouring cold tea in a glass cup, it made a strange sound and got a crack... I'm not sure if it was already cracked or not, but when things like this happen, we say, "well, it's Brazil!! anything could happen!!"


Pic. 1:Before the sunrise (4:30am) I went back to sleep after taking this picture! / 日の出前の空。今日も、4:30amに目が覚めてしまった。。。(もちろん二度寝しましたが。。)
Pic. 2.3:Interesting fruit called Pinha. It taste like mixing of Pinapple and Banana!! ? Pinha(ピニャ?)というフルーツ。味は、パイナップルとバナナを混ぜたものに、ほんのりスズラン風味?って感じ(昔持っていたスズランの香水の匂いがするので。。)でしょうか??割ると中身は房?になっていて、その一つ一つに大きめの種があるので、その周りだけを食べるのです。
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