New Friends!!

Helen and Jason was supposed to come pick us up at the bus station...we called from the bus, and again from the bus station, but no answe...we got a bit worried, but maybe after half an hour..they came with 4 deaf friends...after living in Brazil for a year, their time became a brazilian time, I guess...ha ha
Fortunately, they are from Englsih speaking country, plus they could read my lips, if I speak in English, they could understand me pretty much. Still I have to ask Masami to translate when they sigh...and of couse Masami have to use American, Brazilian, AND, British sign languages to talk with them...(she mush have been so confused..haha) I'm not sure if they could understand my strange sign language/gesture but we laughed so much and had a very good time, too!!
With sign language, the facial expression is very important. The way they sign could tell their personality much clearer than communicating with speaking language. I'm enjoying the relationship that make me feel a bit closer to the person!!
マサミの同僚の、Helen とJasonが、今週でブラジルを去るというのと、彼らの聾の友達4人がイギリスからやって来たというのもあって、昨日は、彼らの住むOlinda(レシフェの隣街)まで、出かけてきました!
オリンダは、ヘシフェより車で30分ほど、Estado do Pernambuco(ペルナンブーコ州)のかつての首都らしい。
Olinda、という名前の由来は、街を訪れた人が「Oh! Linda(Oh! 素敵!)」といたことからだとか。。。
Helen と Jasonがバス停まで迎えに来てくれるという事で、張り切って出かけたが、結局30分ほどバス停で待たされた!彼らの時間感覚も1年のブラジル生活ですっかりブラジリアンになってしまったのかな??ははは!

写真2:ヘシフェのビーチ、(Boa Viagem)で、サッカーをするブラジリアン!
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