Birthday Party!

In Brazil, lunch is the biggest meal of a day, but yesterday was special. Patricia, the wife of their first son (Henrique), cooked shrimp with coconut-milk and we had a dinner party at his house!
After dinner, we put candles on a cake and sang the brazilian birthday song! I have never heard the melody of the song and the song is very rhythmical and long and to me it was very Brazilian!!

It was a fun party and I had a really good time!!

Pic. 1: Singing the birthday song! / バースデーソングを歌うみんな!
Pic. 2: Ivanildo reading the cooking book / プレゼントの料理本を真剣に読むイバニュード
Pic. 3: Ivanildo checking the fishing rod / 釣り竿の握り具合を確かめているイバニュード
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