I have lived in the U.S. for about 8 years. The first plan was to stay there for only 3 months but time goes so fast!! Now, I have decided to go back to Japan but before going back, I'm taking a long vacation in BRAZIL!! アメリカに住み8年が経ちました。始めは3ヶ月の予定でしたが、月日が経つのは早いものです!今回、日本への帰国を決め、その前にブラジルでのロングバケーションを楽しんでいます!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Birthday Party!

Yesterday was Ivanildo's (Masami's host-father) birthday! He is a very good cook and he cooks for the family almost everyday. Also he likes fishing so our presents for him was an Asian cooking book and a fishing rod.
In Brazil, lunch is the biggest meal of a day, but yesterday was special. Patricia, the wife of their first son (Henrique), cooked shrimp with coconut-milk and we had a dinner party at his house!

After dinner, we put candles on a cake and sang the brazilian birthday song! I have never heard the melody of the song and the song is very rhythmical and long and to me it was very Brazilian!!

The birthday boy(?), Ivanildo, cut the cake and passed a plate to each one of us! I heard it is costom for the person who is celebrated to cut a cake in Brazil.

It was a fun party and I had a really good time!!



Pic. 1: Singing the birthday song! / バースデーソングを歌うみんな!
Pic. 2: Ivanildo reading the cooking book / プレゼントの料理本を真剣に読むイバニュード
Pic. 3: Ivanildo checking the fishing rod / 釣り竿の握り具合を確かめているイバニュード