I have lived in the U.S. for about 8 years. The first plan was to stay there for only 3 months but time goes so fast!! Now, I have decided to go back to Japan but before going back, I'm taking a long vacation in BRAZIL!! アメリカに住み8年が経ちました。始めは3ヶ月の予定でしたが、月日が経つのは早いものです!今回、日本への帰国を決め、その前にブラジルでのロングバケーションを楽しんでいます!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm feeling good!!

Today, my friend went to work so I was staying home alone, relaxing and went shopping on my own!

Today, I could hold some conversations with people and that made me feel so good.

The first conversation:
I met a girl who works for my favorite store a few days ago. She was very freindly from the beginning. I'm not sure if she knows I don't speak any Portuguese but she keeps talking to me and gives me a big smile and waves every time I see her. When I finished shopping today, I saw the girl again so I said "Boa Tarde!!" with smile, she held my hand and said "Boa Tarde" back to me!!!

The second conversation:
When I came back to my friend's apartment, I was waiting for an elevator. A maintenance guy came to me and suddenly started talking something in Portuguese.... I remembered what my freind told me to say in this kind of situation and said, "Nao entendo!". Even though it means "I don't understand!", he gave me a thumb up and nice smile and walked away, hahaha! I could at least say what I needed to tell....haha!

The third conversation:
Masami's host mother called me when I was alone in an apartment. She said, "Masami?" so I answered "Ayumi!". As most Brazilian do, she talks a lot no matter if I understand or not, so before she say something I don't understand, I thought I should say what I can!! I had a note saying "Masami is not here" in Portuguese so I just read it to her. Over the phone, she was laughing and screaming to someone in Portuguese... "Ayumi !(*)(!*^&*&%*^@*)(!*!!!!!!" I have no idea what she was saying, but I believe that she got so exited to hear me speak Portuguese and telling to her husband that "Ayumi is speaking in Portuguese!!!!"... She is so nice and funny mother!! Then she said "Sim, sim, obrigada, tchau!!" then hung up the phone.

Well, I guess it's not even called a conversation, but I felt so good not to have the cobweb feeling!!!


今日もレジをすませ、さ〜て、帰えろ!と思った所で、おねーちゃんが現れた!おねーちゃんたら、今日は私の手までしっかり握って、笑顔で、”Boa Tarde!" 。私も笑顔で、”ボア タージ!”

メンテナンスのおにいちゃんが、突然私に話しだしてきた!友達の教わった、”Nao entendo"(分かりません)を早速つかってみた!分からないって言っているのに、お兄ちゃんたら、笑顔でOKサイン出してくれた。。。(笑)

"Masami?" とたずねるママさんに、"Ayumi"と返答。。。よくしゃべるままさん、何かを聞かれるとパニクってしまうので、その前にすかさず "Masami nao esta no
”Sim, sim, obrigada, tchau!!"(はい、はい、ありがとう、バイバイ!)と言って電話を切ったママさん!

