Boa Noite!! (Good night!!)

The temperature goes up to about 90 °F during the day time. So from the sunsire to 9-10 am is the best time to be doing something outside. People are jogging, going to shopping, and working from very early morning!!
In the night, it starts getting dark around 5 or 6pm so if you don't wake up early, you feel the day is really short...
Yesterday, Masami and I went out for shopping and I bought the converse sneaker that I was talking about. It is actually the 2006 World Cup, Brazil version. I thoguht it chould be very memorable item even though, I didn't watch any world cup games..hehe
Also, I bought a tin jumping frog on the street! It looks a bit scary, but I have a weakness for flog was only R$2(about $1)
In brazil, a lot of people are selling good on the street. Sometimes, if we are drinking coffee at outside table, they would come in and start showing the goods. Also people are selling snacks near by bus stops. Sometimes, they get in a bus to sell. The other day, I saw a guy who was seeling sharp penlines!!!
Oh, and speaking of bus, in Recife, there is a very sweet custom when you are taking a bus. If someone is holding heavy bags or anything, people who are sitting offer to carry them. That is so sweet, isn't it?
On one hand, Brazil is known as having high crime and poverty rate but, on the other hand, people are very friendly and warmhearted!! I'm feeling the warmness of Brazil everyday!!


Pic 1:The sky before the sunrise 11/3 / 11月3日、日の出前
Pic 2:The converse / ブラジル国旗入りコンバース
Pic 3:Tin jumping frogネジ巻きカエル
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