I have lived in the U.S. for about 8 years. The first plan was to stay there for only 3 months but time goes so fast!! Now, I have decided to go back to Japan but before going back, I'm taking a long vacation in BRAZIL!! アメリカに住み8年が経ちました。始めは3ヶ月の予定でしたが、月日が経つのは早いものです!今回、日本への帰国を決め、その前にブラジルでのロングバケーションを楽しんでいます!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

2 weeks has passed in Brazil!

It's been two weeks since I have arrived in Brazil. I'm relaxing and having fun! My shoulder still hurt from the sun burn I got when I went to the beach, but it's getting bette.
I didn't notice in Sao Paulo but a lot of "unbelievable" things happened in Recife!! haha
My friend and I often say, "well, it's Brazil...hahaha"
For example, at the bus stop, we have to wave when the right bus comes otherwise, the bus wouldn't stop... and if another bus is already stopping at the bus stop, it seems that the second would speed up and ignore the people who is waving and trying to stop the bus!!!
Also, yesterday, when we were drinking pouring cold tea in a glass cup, it made a strange sound and got a crack... I'm not sure if it was already cracked or not, but when things like this happen, we say, "well, it's Brazil!! anything could happen!!"






Pic. 1:Before the sunrise (4:30am) I went back to sleep after taking this picture! / 日の出前の空。今日も、4:30amに目が覚めてしまった。。。(もちろん二度寝しましたが。。)
Pic. 2.3:Interesting fruit called Pinha. It taste like mixing of Pinapple and Banana!! ? Pinha(ピニャ?)というフルーツ。味は、パイナップルとバナナを混ぜたものに、ほんのりスズラン風味?って感じ(昔持っていたスズランの香水の匂いがするので。。)でしょうか??割ると中身は房?になっていて、その一つ一つに大きめの種があるので、その周りだけを食べるのです。

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The beach in Recife!!

I went to the beach with Masami and her friends!! It's been a while since I swimmed in the ocean and it was fun! In Brazil, we can drink alcohol in public like Japan, so we had beers at the beach!! A guy brough fishes on a tray and he fried one we picked! Also another guy came with a bucket full of oystars and open these oystars in front of us!!
Mostly, girls are wearing bikini in here and I didn't bring my swimming suit, so I borrowed a bikini from my friend. This is the first time for me to wear BIKINI in my life....wow!!!
On the beach, boys are playing football (soccer) and it was very Brazil to me!!
I got horrible sunburn, but now, it's getting better and I'm already getting brown!!!

I noticed funny thing in Portuguese. When they speak, they often up "ne" in the end of the sentence. I think it means the same as "right" in Englsih. In Japanses we put "ne" in the end of the sentence so it sound a bit funny to me!!





Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Walking around in Recife!

I went to the area called Boa Vista by bus today My friend, Masami, had a meeting in the afternoon, so we went there together and had lunch together. While she was having a meeting, I walked around the area by myself.
First I saw a old church and thought it would be a good mark when I lost...BUT there are very similar looking churches everywhere as you can see from my pictures.
Since my friend is going to do some exercise in the morning, I thought I would buy a pair of sneakers and go with her. So I looked for a shoe shop!! Instead of finding good sneakers, I found a pair of Converse with Brazilian flag degisn. It is about R$80. When I was checking the price, I noticed that there is always the price for the installment written on a tag in Brazil.

The back of this shopping arcade, there is a big storehouse looking building. In the building, there are a lot of folkcraft shops and booths for fishes or meats as well. Everyone is very friendly and trying to explain about their goods...I wish I can understand what they were saying....I should start studying Portuguese more seriously!!!

今日は、ヘシフェのBoa Vista (ボア ビスタ) という街へ、バスで行ってきました!今日はマサミがお仕事でその辺りに行くという事で、一緒についてゆき、お仕事前に二人でランチを一緒にし、しばらくその辺を案内してくれて、その後はまた、一人でぶらぶら。
まず、ボア ビスタについて古い教会を発見。これはいい目印になる!なんておもっていたのだけれど、似たような教会が実はいたる所に建っていて、全く目印にはならなかった。なんというか、東京で言う所の秋葉原と言った感じで、電気屋さんや、服屋さんが立ち並ぶかなりでかい商店街で、かなり込み入っているのでちょっと油断をすると方向感覚を失ってしまう。

Pic.1.2:The churches in Boa Vista. They looks very similar, aren't they?? ボア ビスタのいたる所にたっている教会のうちの2つ。ただ反転させただけのように似ている教会がゴロゴロとたっている。。。

Monday, October 23, 2006

I have arrived in Recife, Brazil!!

I have arrived to Recife the night before yesterday!! (Recife is pronounced like "Hecife" since Portuguese "R" is pronounced as "H" ) I had a bit hard time at the Airport in Sao Paulo, but there was a gentlemen who looked after me. Of course, he was speaking in Portuguese so I had no idea what he was saying but if I looked him when I got nervous or worried, he held his thum up and gave me a OK sign! It was about 3 hours flight and when I sat in my seat, the guy next to me immediately asked me "Japonesa?" haha. He said he can speak English a little bit, so we talked about his trip to Chile and he gave me a Chice chocolate!!
My friend's apartment where I'm staying is located right in front of the beach. I arrived in the night, so I could only hear the sound of waves. When I woke up, I could see beautiful ocean from my window!! It's facing East and I wake up everyday with sunrise, which is about 5am...most of the time, I go back to bed but I got a chance to take a picture!!!
Since I'm staying here about 3 months, I'm taking it very slow.
Yesterday, my freind took me to her host family's house and met a wonderful family! My friend has been in Brazil for about a year by now, and she seems to be holding the conversation very well !! While we were talking ( I was just listening...) the father went to buy a coconut for me and gave me a fresh coco juice! After I finished it, he opened the coconut and shaved off the meat of coconut and made a coconut cake for us!!! It was soooo good!!

Coconut cake Recipe:

1 meat of coconut
1 condensed milk
2 eggs

Mix all together in a blender and cook in a oven for about 30 minute??

I will try to learn Portuguese while I'm in Brazil, and by the end of this trip, hopefully I can speak a little bit. Since the Portuguese pronounciation is similar to Japaenese compare to English, it sounds a little easier, but then there are so many changes for verbs and nouns that English doesn't have, so I'm sure I will have a hard time. Well, let's see how it goes!!!


Pic. 1:The beach on Sunday from Masami's window / 日曜日のビーチの様子
Pic.2:The sunrise from the horizon / 水平線から上る日の出!
Pic.3:The father, shaving coconut / パパさんがココナッツの果肉を削っている姿。

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I'm leaving for Recife, tonight!

5 days in Sao Paulo passed so fast. It has been clowded since I arrived in Sao Paulo but finally I saw the blue sky this afternoon.

On the third day, I went to the modern museum where my freind works. The museun is located in the park called "Parque do Ibirapuera" and the building for "Bienal De Sao Paulo" is right next to the museum. I didn't know till my friend told me but "Bienal De Sao Paulo" is exhibited every two years and right now it's 27th show is exhibited!! I was so lucky to come to Sao Paulo when it's open!!
In the moern museum, I saw a lot of Brazilian artists' work and I was so inspired!! Also, my favorite artist, Louise Bourgeois's work is exhibtied in the modern museum as well. I enjoyed visiting the museum very much!!

On the forth day, I met a friend whom I met in Japanese community site. I went to the area called, Liberdade. It is also known as the Japanese town. My friend suggested to take a bus, so I had the first experience of takiing bus in Brazil!! The bus fee is $R2.00 (about 90 cents?). There is a revolving bar int he middle of the bus and a bus crew is sitting sideway by the bar. I again brought a note with the name of the stop I want to get off and showed it to the crew guy. I also checked where I was with a map and when the bus came to close to my stop, I looked at the guy and he gave me the "V" sign to let me know there were two more stops!! Obrigada!!!
It was rush hour so I was late for about 15 minute. But Mr. A was waiting for me at the station and he gave me a tour in Liberdade. He also took me to Catedral Metropolitana and buy me a lunch, too!! Obrigada, Mr. A!!!

On the Fifth day, today, Julie took me to the bakery near by to have a breakfast together. She had to go to work so I went to free-market on my own. It was a beautiful day with the blue sky!! I bought 3 necklesses made with seed and 2 pants!!
I could ask "how much is it?" in Portuguese but I had no idea the answer they gave me...But they are very friendly and kind. Poeple try to communicate without reluctance!! Muito Obrigada!!!!
So, I could get something to eat at the free-market today and came back to Julie's apartment safely!!

I will start packing and heading to the airport. Tonight, I will fly to Recife!!


3日目は、友達の働くMuseu De Arte Domerna (近代美術館)へ。その美術館は、Parque do Ibirapuera (イビラプエラ公園) の中にあり、第27回Bienal De Sao Paulo (ビエナール展)の開かれている会場のすぐ横になった。運のいい事に、2年に一度開かれるビエナール展を見ることもでき、そのタイミングの良さだけでもとっても気分が良くなってしまった。。(笑)

4日目は、mixiで知り合った方とあう約束で、Liberdade (リベルダーヂ,東洋人街)にある地下鉄の駅で待ち合わせ。私の泊まっている所のそばには地下鉄が通っていないので、バスで出向く事に。
相変わらず言葉は全く通じないので、あらかじめ書いておいた駅名を見せて、”降りる時に教えてね!”とジェスチャーで。。。もちろん私は地図を見ながら自分の位置を確認しつつ、ちらちらと乗務員のおじさんの様子もうかがいながら。。もうすぐ降りる駅が近づいてきたなっとおもって、おじさんに向かって、指で、1.2それとも3? と聞いてみると、おじさんはにっこりと2を出してくれた。無事に降りたい駅で降りる事が出来、サンパウロ、バス初体験もまた、Bom Diaと、Obrigada!で乗り越えた!
あまりの渋滞で待ち合わせには15分ほど遅れてしまったけれど、帰らずに待っていてくださったAさん。Liberdade (リベルダーヂ,東洋人街) やCatedral Metropolitana (セ大聖堂-カテドラル・メトロポリターナ)などに連れて行っていただいて、おまけにカツ丼までごちそうになっちゃいました!



Thursday, October 19, 2006

The second day in Sao Paulo!

Somehow, I don't feel like I'm in Brazil yet. My friend and I went to the same school in Boston so we speak in English. Before coming to Brazil, I didn't check any sightseeing spots, plus, her apartment is super comfortable so I'm just happy to be relaxing in her apartment!!
But, I was getting hungry so I went out and found a cute cafe in the neighborhood. I stood at the casher and a lady was asking me something, but I couldn't understand anything, of course... I just wanted to order one sandwitch, but it was so hard.
In Japan, we start studying English from junior high school, and we use a lot of English words in everyday living. So, it's not too hard to order food or go shopping. But, I have no idea what sandwitch called in Portuguese. I can't even count 1 to 10 yet.
At least I could order a sandwitch and coffee. Then I was told to wait at the table. First, a very strong coffee was brought to my table and in about 5 minute, the lady brought the sandwitch I ordered, which became a pizza-like food!!!
Well, it tasted good, thought!!

In the back of the cafe, there was a showcase full of cakes!! Everyone who was eating lunch there also had a dessert. So, I did the same. I ordered ”Mousse De Maracuja" (passion fruit mousse)!! These cakes are sold by the weight. The place we ate lunch yesterday was also like that. I think it's very common in Brazil.

After the lunch, it started rainning, so I came back to her apartment. My friend was also back from work so we waited till the rain stoped, and went out to buy something for dinner. Tonight, I cooked Japanese style fried noodle for her!!
It wasn't the best, but she said she liked it...thanks!

It was a nice day and I'm so relaxing!!



Pic 1:The sandwitch I ordered... / ピザのようになって出てきたサンドイッチみたいだった食べ物。
Pic2:Passion fruit mousse / パッションフルーツ ムース

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I have arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil, safely!

About 9 hours from Washington DC, I have arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil, safely!!

It was an overnight flight so I tried to sleep in the airplane, but as usual, I couoldn't sleep. Watching movies, reading books and eating in-flight meals then the new day has started in Sao Paulo!

Everything went very smooth at the airport and I could found the taxi booth easily. I brought the note with my friend's address and said "I want to go there!" in English!! The lady at the booth handed me a note with the cost of the ride and said, "take that blue taxi!!" so far good!

"Bom Dia" (good morning) was the only words I could say to the driver in Portuguese, and I just showed the address... It took about an hour to my friend's house from the airport and he didn't say or I couldn't ask anything.... He was a very rough driver so I was praying in my head, "PLEASE don't get into accident!!!" nothing happened, thank God!!

At the front door of my freind's apartment, (actually I didn't know if she lives in a house or an apartment..) there was a security guy. Again, only words came out of my month were, ”Bom Dia! Julie, Julie...” calling my freind's name, haha! He said, “Ah Julie, *%#&@^@^E@%#&&#&$...."...but I didn't understand anything he said. Then another guy took my suitcase, brought it to the elevator and asked me to get in. He pushed the button and I was left alone in the elevator...
When the door opened at the 15th floor, there were 4 doors on the floor. I didn't know which room she lives in, so...of course what I could do was calling my freind's name again!! The lady open the door of the room 152, and she asked me to come in by gesture. I was a bit worried since I didn't see Julie, but she was taking a shower and after about 2-3 min, I finally saw a familiar face!!! "Oh, Julie!!!! "

Yesterday, she could take a day off for me so she took me out in her neighborhood and we had lunch with her friend. In the afternoon, she took me to the area called, Pinheiros ( about 20 min drive from her apartment). She has an appointment with her doctor so I walked around that area alone about an hour!

Not so many people speak Englsih and I can only say "Bom dia! (Good morning), Oi! (hello) and Obrigada (thank you). I might be able to use Japanese in the Japanese town in Sao Paulo, but I don't see Japanese-Brazilian in this area so much.

Today, on 18th, my friend left for work in the morning, so I will walk around in this neighborhood again! I wish I can get something to eat... it's heard to even order food when you don't speak the language...

After spending 1 day in Brazil, it seems Portuguese is easier than English in pronunciation-wise. Hopefully I can speak a little by the time I leave Brazil.





”Bom dia!!” と”おはよう”とだけは言えたけど、その後はまた、住所の紙をタクシードライバーに見せて、無言の約1時間のドライブ。

無事に友達の住むアパートへ到着。(実は、アパートなのか一軒家なのかも知らなかったのだけれど、たしかに住所はあっているので。。。門番のお兄ちゃんに、”Bom Dia! Julie, Julie...” と、友達の名前を呼び続けてみた。。(笑)

“Ah Julie, *%#&@^@^E@%#&&#&$...." と理解不明な返事。でも、とっても笑顔だし、きっと分かってくれているはず。そうしたら、他のお兄ちゃんがやってきて、私の荷物を持って、エレベーターに積んで、15階のボタンを押して、私のもそのエレベーターに乗れといって、そして、一緒に来てくれるのかと思いきや、"Tchau"、と、またまた笑顔で!一人エレベーターに取り残された私。。。えっ?部屋番号知らないよ〜〜〜!!

やられた!。。。ということでまた、踊り場で、Julie, Julie! と叫んでみた。。。。(笑)


シャワーを浴びていたJulie が、2−3分してから出てきて、何年かぶりの再会!!


英語はどうやらほとんど通じない。そして、Bom dia!Oi!(hello)とObrigada(thank you)としか言えない私。。。他はなぜか英語。日本人街に行けば、日本語で通じるのだろうけど、この辺りでは、あまり日系の人も見かけない。



Pic1:The view from my friend's apartment / 友達のアパートから北東(多分)を見た時の景色
Pic2:Cute cafe in Pinheiros / Pinheirosエリアで見かけたちょっとおしゃれなカフェ
Pic3:Greengrocery? / カフェの横にあった八百屋さん?

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm leaving for Brazil!!

Finally, I'm flying to Brazil tonight!!

Right now I'm in Washington DC.
The first reason for me to come to the US was to do a volunteer work in Washington DC, it was about 8 years ago!
The friend whom I'm visiting in Recife, Brazil, is also one of friends who I worked with in DC.
It was my first time to live in the US and I spend the first one year with her.
Now, after 8 years of living in American, this Brazil trip is somehow the closure of my life in aboard!!
I'm glad to have the chance to spend some time with my first and best friend in the US before going back to Japan!

I will stay in Brazil for about 3 months!

Before going to Recife, which is the northeast of Brazil,
I will stop in Sao Paulo for 5 days!!

I will report my trip from Brazil!!

Talk to you soon!!

やっとその日がやってきました!! 今夜の飛行機で、ブラジルに行きます!

今は、ワシントンDC。 8年前?に私がアメリカに来ることになった元々の理由は、ここでのボランティアのお仕事のためだった。



