About 9 hours from Washington DC, I have arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil, safely!!
It was an overnight flight so I tried to sleep in the airplane, but as usual, I couoldn't sleep. Watching movies, reading books and eating in-flight meals then the new day has started in Sao Paulo!
Everything went very smooth at the airport and I could found the taxi booth easily. I brought the note with my friend's address and said "I want to go there!" in English!! The lady at the booth handed me a note with the cost of the ride and said, "take that blue taxi!!" so far good!
"Bom Dia" (good morning) was the only words I could say to the driver in Portuguese, and I just showed the address... It took about an hour to my friend's house from the airport and he didn't say or I couldn't ask anything.... He was a very rough driver so I was praying in my head, "PLEASE don't get into accident!!!" nothing happened, thank God!!

At the front door of my freind's apartment, (actually I didn't know if she lives in a house or an apartment..) there was a security guy. Again, only words came out of my month were, ”Bom Dia! Julie, Julie...” calling my freind's name, haha! He said, “Ah Julie, *%#&@^@^E@%#&&$...."...but I didn't understand anything he said. Then another guy took my suitcase, brought it to the elevator and asked me to get in. He pushed the button and I was left alone in the elevator...
When the door opened at the 15th floor, there were 4 doors on the floor. I didn't know which room she lives in, so...of course what I could do was calling my freind's name again!! The lady open the door of the room 152, and she asked me to come in by gesture. I was a bit worried since I didn't see Julie, but she was taking a shower and after about 2-3 min, I finally saw a familiar face!!! "Oh, Julie!!!! "

Yesterday, she could take a day off for me so she took me out in her neighborhood and we had lunch with her friend. In the afternoon, she took me to the area called, Pinheiros ( about 20 min drive from her apartment). She has an appointment with her doctor so I walked around that area alone about an hour!
Not so many people speak Englsih and I can only say "Bom dia! (Good morning), Oi! (hello) and Obrigada (thank you). I might be able to use Japanese in the Japanese town in Sao Paulo, but I don't see Japanese-Brazilian in this area so much.

Today, on 18th, my friend left for work in the morning, so I will walk around in this neighborhood again! I wish I can get something to eat... it's heard to even order food when you don't speak the language...
After spending 1 day in Brazil, it seems Portuguese is easier than English in pronunciation-wise. Hopefully I can speak a little by the time I leave Brazil.
”Bom dia!!” と”おはよう”とだけは言えたけど、その後はまた、住所の紙をタクシードライバーに見せて、無言の約1時間のドライブ。
無事に友達の住むアパートへ到着。(実は、アパートなのか一軒家なのかも知らなかったのだけれど、たしかに住所はあっているので。。。門番のお兄ちゃんに、”Bom Dia! Julie, Julie...” と、友達の名前を呼び続けてみた。。(笑)
“Ah Julie, *%#&@^@^E@%#&&$...." と理解不明な返事。でも、とっても笑顔だし、きっと分かってくれているはず。そうしたら、他のお兄ちゃんがやってきて、私の荷物を持って、エレベーターに積んで、15階のボタンを押して、私のもそのエレベーターに乗れといって、そして、一緒に来てくれるのかと思いきや、"Tchau"、と、またまた笑顔で!一人エレベーターに取り残された私。。。えっ?部屋番号知らないよ〜〜〜!!
やられた!。。。ということでまた、踊り場で、Julie, Julie! と叫んでみた。。。。(笑)
シャワーを浴びていたJulie が、2−3分してから出てきて、何年かぶりの再会!!
英語はどうやらほとんど通じない。そして、Bom dia!Oi!(hello)とObrigada(thank you)としか言えない私。。。他はなぜか英語。日本人街に行けば、日本語で通じるのだろうけど、この辺りでは、あまり日系の人も見かけない。
Pic1:The view from my friend's apartment / 友達のアパートから北東(多分)を見た時の景色
Pic2:Cute cafe in Pinheiros / Pinheirosエリアで見かけたちょっとおしゃれなカフェ
Pic3:Greengrocery? / カフェの横にあった八百屋さん?